With bin Laden dead, nation building will presumably become even more important now; indeed, it is arguably the key justification for that military presence. 本拉登死后,国家重建想必会变得更加重要;的确,这可以说是西方驻军的关键理由。
Arch bridge is one of the most common used bridge types. Since the heavy self weight of reinforced concrete becomes the major restriction for the further development of arch bridge, to alleviate dead load of structure is one of the key problems of arch bridge research. 拱桥是我国西部山区使用较为普遍的桥型之一,但钢筋混凝土自重较大成为制约拱桥向更大跨度发展的瓶颈,因此减轻结构自重是拱桥需要研究的关键问题之一。
Death narrative, especially the death complex in the dead narrative, often played a key role for the generation of tragic spirit in the world of tragedy. 悲剧文学文本世界中的死亡叙事,尤其是死亡叙事中的死亡情结,对文本悲剧精神的生成往往起着关键的作用。
How to prevent and reduce dead inventory is the key to the sustainable development of electronic manufacturing industry. 如何有效预防并减少呆滞物料的产生已经是关系到电子制造企业持续发展的关键问题。